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The successful work of the New Life Christian Mission requires a lot of specially equipped premises: to provide shelter to people depending on their needs, morale and health; technical, office and warehouse space.

The building at 43A Tankistiv str. in Odesa contains the main office of the Mission, humanitarian aid distribution point, a shelter for the elderly and people with disabilities. Currently a shelter accommodate 50 people. The same number of people live in rehabilitation center, which is located at the address: Odesa region, Velykyi Dalnyk village.


The «Mother and Child Home» is also under construction in Velykyi Dalnyk (Odesa region). The building is at the final stage of construction. This house is designed to accommodate mothers who have found themselves in difficult life circumstances; mothers who have suffered violence from their husbands and are forced to flee their homes directly to the street, as well as orphans. 

All the work together with the spiritual component will help homeless people to return to normal life as soon as possible. We help to change many lives for the better and many more lives will be saved in the future.