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For the vast majority of our shelter residents, the New Life Christian Mission has become the last hope for survival. For them, the Mission's shelter is the only place where they found a roof over their heads, food, comfort, care and just a human attitude. These people who came one day, stay in the shelter forever.



A huge number of people find themselves on the streets without means of subsistence and a chance to change something in their lives. Many of these people are not to blame for their predicament. The wards of our shelters are primarily elderly people, victims of fraud, accidents, refugees from the ATO zone or just people who have made some wrong and critical decisions.

The Mission provides all the necessary conditions for normal life: first aid, housing, food, clothing. Also, if necessary, we help in restoring documents, obtaining or restoring professional skills and further employment.

People in need rarely find our Mission on their own. Mostly they find themselves in the shelter thanks to caring citizens, police officers, ambulance and Ministry of Emergency Situations, who are informed about the location of our shelters or heating points (in winter) and bring them to us, as well as our Emergency Service For the Homeless, which constantly patrols the streets.