A tragedy for everyone, in our team ...
This day will remain in the history of our mission as the most difficult, sick and longest.
Aleksey Boyko died on the spot, Sergei Kovalev died in the hospital in the morning, Stas Gerasimov survived, his spleen was removed and fixators were installed in connection with a fracture of the pelvis, now he is undergoing rehabilitation after the accident, while still lying down.
We hoped it was a dream, but no, it's a reality. On this day, we said goodbye to our friends, brothers and knees who worked with us for these years saving people from the street and thousands of homeless and needy people received help through them. Their mission on earth is over, so God pleased.
How hard it is to imagine life without you. Brothers, it has been an honor for us to serve with you. We know and are confident that you are in heaven, with the Lord and you are very good there. We need to get over this pain and loss. Without you, it will be very difficult for us and not to grab you. It's a shame you left so early ... there was still a lot we could do. But unfortunately, innocent people also suffer for drunk people who get behind the wheel. Sorry…
Together we are strong ... thank God for my team. And in memory of our friends who died, we will strengthen and will do even more for the Lord, helping the homeless and needy people. We are challenged, we accept the fight !!! The devil thinks he won, but no, he only made me angry. We move in front.
Один из последних выездов наших братьев. Они служили Богу, до последней минуты своей жизни.
I have fought a good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith;" (2 Tim.4: 7) "And now a crown of righteousness is being prepared for me, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on that day; and not only to me, but to all who have loved His appearing." (2 Tim. 4: 8)