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Samaritan's Purse continues to support Ukraine during the war

Day 855 of the war. Samaritan's Purse's international friends and partners are continuously providing humanitarian aid in the form of food. In the rain and heat, to the sound of air raids and explosions, nothing stops the Mission's volunteers from joining forces to help every Ukrainian who comes to them for help.

Since the first day of the war, the New Life Christian Mission has been working in cooperation with other regions of our country, distributing tens of thousands of tons of various products. The most vulnerable groups of the population are asking for help: temporarily displaced persons who have left their homes due to the destruction caused by the war, low-income families, mothers raising their children on their own, large families, the disabled, and lonely pensioners. Also, families left without a breadwinner, widows, orphans, and people whose livelihoods are experiencing instability as jobs are being cut or closed are increasingly seeking help. And just yesterday, citizens of our country who were ready to help their neighbors are forced to look for new sources to support their families.

The Ukrainian people are very united and open to unity in dealing with various life situations. The New Life Christian Mission, Help to Survive project, is grateful to every volunteer, chaplain and caring person who has helped us work together. We thank you kind merciful hearts for your generosity and love for Ukraine. Together to victory!

Author: Ганна Толмачова
Телефон для довідок: +380960004901

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