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The Mother-Child Shelter Project Helps women, who are survivors of domestic violence

The New Life Christian Mission's Mother and Child House project opened its doors to a young mother and her newborn baby.
The Mission's leadership was approached by the social welfare department of the Velykodilnytska territorial community with a request to help a young woman suffering from domestic violence.

The Mission's volunteers went to the address and met Angela, an 18-year-old girl who gave birth to her son Timur a month ago. After giving birth, she moved to her roommate's house. Unfortunately, the young man, the father of the child, abuses alcohol and in this state shows aggression towards her. Angela is scared to stay in this place, she said.

After inspecting the family's living conditions, it became clear that the owner and father pays little attention to living conditions and caring for the family. Angela agreed to leave this dangerous place with her child. Today she and her baby feel safe.

Unfortunately, Angela has no one to support her, and her relationship with her mother has been destroyed. She started her adult life at a very young age and became pregnant at 17. Perhaps she has difficulty coping with difficulties, and there is no one to teach and help her in this. She is grateful that there is a place where she can be safe with her child.

We are grateful to everyone who supports the Mother and Child Project. 
This place gives hope and a bright future.

Author: Ганна Толмачова
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