Think Christmas Today
Christmas is truly the warmest time of the year, because our hearts warm up, we show more concern and love for people. We are preparing gifts for our family and friends just like that, because it's Christmas!
Christmas is the time when we gather together with our families for a gala dinner, giving each other warmth and attention.
At the same time, there are so many unnecessary people who would also like to celebrate Christmas at the holiday table and enjoy communicating with family people.
What can we do? How can we help? Jesus came to this earth so that we have the joy of salvation, and did so simply because he loves us so much. "It is more blessed to give than to receive." Just think, He came to give his life and give us hope!
During the Christmas period, I especially want attention and care. We can show our love by feeding a passerby, by reviewing the closet with things, there is definitely something that has long been left without attention, but could be an excellent gift for someone who needs it.
The fact that one can do it, many can do it.
We urge you not to stand aside, you can take part in our ministry with your finances, so that on these holidays, everyone can feel warmth and care. You can be a gift for someone!
Author: Александр Ваофери Телефон для довідок: +380960004901